Tuesday 20 November 2012

Using Ipads for Learning Activities - Categories and apps

I thought I'd take stock of where I'm at with my ipad learning.  Next week I start running my workshop Using Ipads in Educational Setting.  I decided early on that I would be focusing on the different ways the ipad can enhance learning activities rather than subject specific content.  Although the latter is an important and valuable use for this device you don't necessarily need a workshop for this.  You could just give people a list of apps and websites although they still need time and space to explore them. 

My focus will be an exploring the ipads potential for enhancing collaboration, communication and creativity as this is an area where educators need help to practice and understand how each type of app can work in the classroom setting. 

After playing around with different spaces to record my learning, I've settled on a mindmeister mindmap to act the hub of my activity and organise my thinking.  I've decided to share it below so that others can make use of what I'm doing:

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

Consider this a work in progress.  Apps/categories will be added, tweeked and deleted.  I still have a few great resources to explore and schools to visit where ipads are being used for real.  However, there should be enough there already for this to be useful starting point it someone wants to explore for themselves. 

I always like to have categories so that we don't just talk in terms of individual apps as being synonymous with a particular pedagogical process.  This makes it easier to understand when explaining it and allows for the inevitable changing landscape.

More to follow....

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