Thursday 23 April 2009

Taken from the Successful Teaching blog, this passage really resonates. The question of why is always in the background when you are talking about anything to do with Learning Technology in education. This is an area I need to have more to say about. This passage is going to help:

"Because our students have embraced digital forums: I've always been taught that responsible educators try to tailor learning experiences that align with the interests and motivations of their audiences simply because increased levels of motivation most often result in increased levels of learning. If that's true, then digital forums for communication and growth simply must begin to find a home in the American classroom.

When educators refuse to learn digital forums for communication and growth, it is like showing up at school today with a horse and buggy because you refuse to learn how to drive. The world is constantly changing and educators need to be able to look at the big picture and see the changes that are coming. We need to be the “go to” people for our students and not the “left behind” people."

This goes to the heart of perception of education. Sadly, many would argue against the above statement. My point is that the needs of the learner should the of prime important not the teacher.

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