Wednesday 1 April 2009

Valuing Informal Learning

A good posting by weblogged recently concerned the article Learning: Peering Backward and Looking Forward in the Digital Era from the International Journal of Learning and Media (IJLM). I liked the para:

"While the ubiquity of digital media resources allows for more customized learning within a formal learning context, its primary value lies in the acknowledgment of the legitimacy and value of learning that take place beyond formal schooling."

The notion that exists within education is that the type of learning taking place in the world of social networking (structured by individual through their own personal learning environment) is of less value than anything that takes place within an approved, clunky, out of date LMS where nothing much takes place. Why is this informal learning not given value? In using a particular web 2.0 tool within a VLE (for example), the whole context and driving force behind it is lost. You might get some activity around a particular resource or set task but the type of learning you get in the social networking world will never occur.

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